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The front office tells us that a few key questions are asked often by inquisitive families...
Q)   How can I find out whether or not we live in the right area to attend Dahlia Heights Elementary?
A)   You can check to see whether you live within the boundaries for our school using LAUSD's School Finder.

Q)  Which grade levels are taught at Dahlia Heights Elementary?
A)  We teach Transitional-Kindergarten through Sixth Grade.

Q)  Do you offer pre-Kindergarten?
A)  The LAUSD has started a Transitional Kindergarten (TK) program. Call the Dahlia office for details.
Q)  How many teachers work at Dahlia Heights?
A)  This changes from year to year, but for the past few years, Dahlia has had 16 or 17 teachers.
Q)  When should I submit an application for new enrollment for the following school year?
A)  Applications are usually available in May.
Q)  I’m the parent of a prospective student. Can I take a tour of the school?
A)  Yes. Tours for prospective parents are held in February through April each year. Please check the Calendar to find a Parent Tour date or call the office at (323) 255-1419.