Parents » Resources


Childcare Resources

We are pleased to have the following groups on site this year to provide after school supervision:

Beyond the Bell -YS (free - details to come)

E3- fee based program 

Additional information coming soon. 

Community Links

COvid-19 REsources

Please know that social media and local news outlets are reporting sensational and sometimes incorrect information. Reliable, current information about Coronavirus can be found by clicking the following sites.

We are keeping up to date on all COVID-19 (Coronavirus) info. There is nothing more important to us than the safety and well-being of our students and families. Please access LAUSD's most current info regarding the situation by clicking here.

There is also important information for families contained in the links to the right. One is about best practices for staying healthy and the other two will assist with instructional continuity during this period of distance learning.

Please know that we will do our best to keep this site updated, but that you should also regularly check in with the LAUSD current info site.